Unexpected Changes

We all have them.

Plans that don’t work out. Sudden changes to our schedules. Things that don’t go the way we expect them to go.

What do you do when those days/moments hit?

I know some people who can roll with the changes easily, others are a bit more of a control freak and don’t. I am somewhere in the middle.

Today I had one of those unexpected plan changes.

I was up and ready for my 1 1/2 year old grandson to arrive for the day. Grandma is his designated caregiver when mommy and daddy are working.  But at 7:00 a.m. I got a text saying Grandma wasn’t needed today. It wasn’t worded quite that way, but that was the gist of it.

I was left with the “now what?” question. It’s not like I don’t have a bazillion things to do. My lack of organizational skills makes for an environment that always has something that could be cleaned and uncluttered. Not to mention, I also have about ten books on the go. I’m famous for beginning one before the last three or four are finished.

Instead, I did what seemed the logical choice at the time. I went back to bed 🙂 After the additional rest, I was once again faced with the question.

I chose to tackle something I’ve been avoiding for quite awhile. This blog. I am so new at this I still find it intimidating and overwhelming. At this point, I still have the free template design that came with it when I signed up…that will change, eventually. I hope.

After spending several hours–that is not an exaggeration–trying to figure things out I hit my point of internet/technology threshold overload. (OK. There may have been some Facebook, email and web surfing involved in those hours too. Needless to say, I was on my laptop far longer than this girl should have been.)

In the midst of trying to become more acquainted with the ins and outs of blogging, details such as widgets, menus, pages I reached a place of complete overwhelm and literally began to cry. Admitting this is not easy. After all, who wants to be defeated by technology? Nevertheless, it’s the truth.

Here I was. laptop on my knee, crying, out of frustration. I simply wanted to add my about and contact pages to my blog and it wasn’t working! So what did I do? Something I probably should have done at the very beginning. I began a conversation (more accurately a rant) with God. I informed Him I couldn’t do this and it was stupid! Yes. I told Him it was stupid. I honestly don’t remember if I asked Him for help or not. This wasn’t a calculated discussion, it was simply a reactive cry to Him in my present situation. But what I do know, is after being honest and releasing my frustration to Him I thought I’d give it one more shot. I “stumbled” upon some instructions and voila, if you happen to notice, I now have a contact and about menus on my homepage.

What is my lesson in this? It likely should be to go to God first, not wait until I’m frustrated, but I know myself well enough to know I probably haven’t learned that lesson yet.  What I was reminded of, however, is He cares. Yes. He cares about all the details of my life. That’s something I’ve always wrestled with. Why would a God who created the world care about little old me and my little old problems? Especially when there are huge, traumatic events happening in the world right now.

But, you know what? He does. He cares about the little things in my life. And He cares about the little things in yours. So go ahead, take those little things to Him, then watch, wait and see how He works them out. It may not be as instant as my answer was today–not all of mine are. But in His time, in His way, He shows up. Because that’s just who He is.

“Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable then they?” Matthew 6:26