Get to vs Have to

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my attitude. And how it affects everything about my day.

I don’t lead a glamorous life. I have dishes to wash (without the aid of a dishwasher, we are talking old school here!), toilets to scrub, laundry to do. Just like everyone else.

Some days…..well, it all gets to me. I look at the mess, the clutter, and I grump. I think about all I have yet to do, and become overwhelmed. I fall for the lie I don’t have enough time…..

And then, like a glimmer of light peeking under the crack of a door into a dark room, I’m reminded.

Life is short. Life is unpredictable. Life–is a gift.

A gift I do not want to waste.

When I choose to grump and groan. When I allow myself to feel overwhelmed. Am I not wasting my minutes, my life?

I constantly have to bring myself back to reality. The reality of choice. I may not be able to control my circumstances, but I can control my attitude in them. That’s a quote I have heard so many times I wouldn’t even know where to begin finding out who should get credit for it. But it is so full of truth, I will risk sharing it without giving credit where credit is due.

I really can control and choose my attitude, even in the midst of the mundane.

I’m sure there are many ways to do that. Every one of us would have different ideas and tips.

For me, the simplest way, is to change my “have to” to “get to”.

I get to wash a sink full of dirty dishes–because I have food to eat and dishes to eat off of. And people I love living in the same house as me who dirty dishes and leave them in the sink.

I get to scrub toilets—because I have indoor plumbing and running water.

I get to do laundry–because thank goodness I have clothes to wear and don’t have to run around naked. Trust me, that wouldn’t be a pretty sight. You will not see this girl joining a nudist colony anytime soon (or ever!).

Such a small thing.

All I’m doing is changing one word in my sentence. In my vocabulary. But that one word changes everything! Because when my outlook changes, my day changes. My relationships change. The irritating chores become blessings.

Another “little thing” that makes a huge difference.

I’m beginning to think when I die I will be remembered for the phrase “the little things matter.” Truly, they do. They matter and make such a difference.

Now sometimes I think we get caught up on little details that don’t matter. Thus “don’t sweat the small stuff” gets said. But when it comes to attitudes and actions, the “small stuff” can end up making the biggest differences in our lives.

Not just in our own lives, but in the lives of others as well, because they tend to have a ripple effect. Have you noticed a bad attitude seems to be contagious? A good attitude can be too.

I have not arrived at always having a wonderful attitude. Just last night I failed for quite awhile before I was reminded I was in the middle of a get to, not a have to. Once I remembered…I was blessed with laughter and the creation of beautiful memories with two of my daughters and one of my grandsons.  And I was blessed even further as my girls began reminiscing about their brother and the little things they remembered about him.

There it is again–the little things. It is the little things about Lance that brings the sweetest memories. Memories that warm our hearts, bring laughter to our conversations, and tears to our eyes.

What “have-to’s” in your life can become “get-to’s”?

Try it for a week, changing “have to” to “get to”. Just one week. And see what difference it makes.

The little things…..

Now, I “get to” go make supper and create more dirty dishes.

And then.

I “get-to” curl up with my book and read for awhile…not because I will be all caught up with everything that needs to be done (pretty sure that will never happen) but because I am choosing to remember…

Life is short. Life is a gift.

And sometimes chores can wait while we “get to” enjoy this gift called life.  🙂


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