Words That Outlive Us

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue…” Proverbs 18:21 CSB

“Out of the same mouth we pour out words of praise one minute and curses the next. My brothers and sister, this should never be!” James 3:10 TPT

“Words of wisdom are like a fresh flowing brook—like deep waters that spring forth from within, bubbling up inside the one with understanding.” Proverbs 18:4 TPT

“Kind words are like honey—sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” Proverbs 16:24 NLT

Yesterday I picked up my husband’s old phone. Don’t ask me why, even I’m not sure the answer to that. But I did. And as I scrolled through old texts—I mean old texts, some from eight years ago!—I saw a name that took my breath away.

It was the name of my son. A son we lost 6 ½ years ago in an accident.

Here, tucked away, virtually hidden from the world were conversations from long ago.

I read with tears in my eyes, and due to the nature of some of them, a smile and even laughter.

And it hit me.

Our words outlive us.

Words spoken, left in the memories of others.

Words on paper, whether written for the eyes of others or us alone; like in a journal.

They outlive us.

Long after we have left this earth. Our words will live on.

Whether they live on as words of encouragement, or otherwise, is up to us.

Kind of a scary thought isn’t it? Sometimes, yes. But it doesn’t have to be.

It’s also, kind of a comforting thought as well. Because when it comes right down to it, don’t we all want to make a difference?

We live in a world in which far too often people are striving to make a name for themselves. To develop a platform, thinking that is how they will make a difference—hear me carefully, there is nothing wrong with platform. The argument often heard is, the bigger the platform the more people we reach. And yes, that is true.

But what if, in the striving to reach it, in the reaching it and so many others, we are overlooking the ones right in front of us? The ones we rub shoulders with day to day? The ones that God, in His sovereignty has placed right directly before and around us? In the end, will the difference we make still be worth it?


What if our “platforms” are bigger than we actually realize, and we are making a far more significant impact and influence than we see, know, or understand?

Personally, I think the truth of this last question applies to all of us, no matter where or what our station in life is.

But today I speak directly to the stay at home mom. The one just trying to survive another day. The one who sometimes feels she has lost your identity, her purpose in this hard (but rewarding in so many ways) life called motherhood.

I speak to her, because I have been her.

You, beautiful lady, have a platform.

You are making a difference.

Your words have power that shapes the next generation. What could possibly be more important than that?!

So never forget.

You matter.

You. Matter.

Your words matter.

And even though it feels at times, that nobody is listening—they are.

Do you know how I know?

I remember a conversation with my then 18-yr-old son and his younger sisters in which some of the very words I had spoken to him over the years were coming out of his mouth. Words I thought he had totally ignored, but obviously hadn’t.

In the middle of the mundane, in the middle of the monotony, our words, whether spoken to/over someone—such as our children, or spoken over ourselves—to ourselves, by ourselves (yes, we all have that self-talk in our brains we aren’t always aware of) have power. Influence. Make a difference. And matter.

And. Our words either spoken to others, or written, will outlive us.

So with that in mind, what words are we speaking today? What motivation is behind them? Will they bring death and wounds to the soul?  Or will they bring life and healing? Encouragement? Correction—with love?

The choice is ours to make.

I know, in my past, I have spoken words I regret. Words that have hurt. I won’t condemn myself, and neither should you—for we can’t change the past.

But we can change today. Right now. This very second when we are faced with the frustration of the challenging, disobedient two-year-old: or the lippy, defiant teenager, we can choose—words of life or words of death.

Will we be perfect from now on? Never saying anything we shouldn’t?

Of course not.

But as we determine in our hearts to watch our words, and as we practice, and as we apologize when necessary, and as we receive the forgiveness of the Father when we mess up, and as we forgive ourselves, we will discover, over time, we are speaking far more words of life than words of death.

Words spoken with/in love–“Love never fails.” 1 Corinthians 13:8—these are words worthy of out-living us. Words we can go to our graves grateful we’ve spoken. With no regrets. Words that just might even bring blessings to those that come after because of the influence and difference they’ve made in the lives of those who are with us, right now.

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue…” Proverbs 18:21 CSB

“Out of the same mouth we pour out words of praise one minute and curses the next. My brothers and sister, this should never be!” James 3:10 TPT

“Kind words are like honey—sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” Proverbs 16:24 NLT

“Words of wisdom are like a fresh flowing brook—like deep waters that spring forth from within, bubbling up inside the one with understanding.” Proverbs 18:4 TPT

2 Replies to “Words That Outlive Us”

  1. It’s funny that I’m reading this now as I’m having a conversation with a friend about faith words that we’ve spoken, declared and decreed. And yes, while our words outlive us, they do so with much more integrity when there is manifestation and demonstration. So I am believing God for extraordinary manifestations of His Word that I have spoken by faith.

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